This itinerary is particularly recommended to Jewish tourists and citizens. The Jewish Itinerary comprises a first part on foot and another part by car, bus or taxi. The part on foot is pretty easy and does not have any particular slopes or rough sections: there are also rest areas during the path. The best times to visit are: March, April, May, June, September, October and November. Sportswear or comfortable clothing, trainers and a hat to keep off the sun should be worn; take drinking water with you and a camera is recommended. The route starts from Largo San Sabino, near the archbishopric. In this area there was a first synagogue, going back to at least the 10th century, the ruins of which could be seen until the early 1930s. The history of Jewish Bari starts in Late Antiquity. It is thought that the Jews were the oldest foreign colony in Bari. It was founded after the destruction of Jerusalem by the Emperor Titus in 70 AC. The city's Jewish community was first confined to a ghetto outside the walls but between the 14th and 16th centuries moved inside the city walls, in particular to the old district near the cathedral. The synagogue was probably in Strada San Sabino, in the place where a building now stands. In the alley, next to a wall, there is a bas-relief that shows the Virgin Mary amongst the saints, one of whom is Saint John the Baptist. According to the scholars Colafemmina and Quarto, the depiction of Saint John the Baptist is due to the Jewish presence and constitutes a sort of exhortation to them to convert through baptism. A second medieval synagogue also stood near Bari cathedral, in Via San Sabino, which was once upon a time known as Via Sinagoga. It was rediscovered during maintenance work inside a private house in the 1990s. A Hebrew inscription on a stone block that was originally a window lintel states: "This window was made in the year 1310 with the contributions of the community by Mosè da Treves". This synagogue was preceded by a courtyard, where there was a palm tree, from which the canons of the Capitolo Metropolitano Primaziale of the Cathedral were authorized to collect branches that they carried during the Palm Sunday procession. The Jewish community, which had always been considerable and prosperous, came to an end in 1541, when the Emperor Charles V decreed their expulsion from the Kingdom of Naples. The second part of the route involves moving to an important memorial site, Palazzo De Risi, which can be reached in about 10 minutes by car or taxi or in about 20 minutes by bus. The impressive appearance of this building is due to the ashlar on the ground floor and, looking up, to the entablature protruding from the third floor. But a closer look reveals other details, like the columns at the side of the door-windows with Corinthian capitals, and the relief decorations, like the lion masks from whose mouths garlands of leaves and flowers descend. Lastly, the practised eye of an architect or an art historian also reveals the particularities of the façade in Via Garruba, which does not have three or five windows, as normally, but four windows. The building is called Palazzo De Risi. Today, is consists of two different buildings. One is accessed from Via Garruba, 63 and the other is accessed from Via Quintino Sella, 181. They may have been internally linked previously. Palazzo De Risi is linked to the Shoah. Documents from the Second World War and the immediate post-war period relate how the building was linked to the events in the city and to the Shoah. In 1938, the Italian Racial Laws were passed. These were a set of standards and legislative measures against the Jews. "The Jew census" explains Vito Antonio Leuzzi - "counted in 1938, in the city and province of Bari, 35 families amounting to 95 persons: 64 Italians and 31 foreigners". After the laws were adopted almost all the Jewish residents in Bari, who were mostly individuals or small families, left the city. Many returned to the places where they came from in Central or Northern Italy. During the Fascist period, Palazzo De Risi was the headquarters of a Fascist group. In the autumn of 1943, the ground floor and then also the first floor accommodated Jewish refugees escaping from Northern Italy and from other countries but also from the internment camps liberated by the advance of the Allies. The building in Via Garruba 63 contained a synagogue, a café, a canteen, a cilinc, a school and Ministry of Welfare. On 28 August 1945, the first refugee ship sailed from Bari. It was the fishing boat Sirius, renamed Dàlin and was headed for Palestine. The better off refugees lived in the city. Most of the refugees, who were not all Jewish, were accommodated in the former prison camp of Torre Tresca, which became a transit camp. The former prison camp gave refuge to hundreds of families of refugees. In the weeks after the armistice, the heads of AMGOT (Allied Military Government of Occupied Territories) decided to transfer the internees and refugees of different nationalities to the abandoned prison camp of Torre Tresca in Bari. The camp became the Refugees Village of Torre Tresca. It was inhabited throughout the 1950s and until the early 1960s, when the San Paolo district was built, to which the last residents were transferred. Lastly, when the bypass was built in the late 1960s and early 1970s, the last buildings were abandoned. The former Refugee Village can be reached in about 25 minutes by car or taxy and in about an hour by public transport.